The MHT Space welcomes new writers and strives to provide our readers with a variety of insightful and enlightening articles. If you enjoy reading MHT Space and would like to contribute scoops and become a member of this beloved space. MHT Space welcomes you.
Here are the following topics we accept for guest posts :
- Technology
- Marketing
- Blogging and SEO
- Business and Strategies
- Movies and TV Shows
- Entertainment Related
- Health
- Fitness
- Weight Loss
- Personal Care
- Beauty Care
Topics we do not accept :
- Articles that are out of our space.
- Browse our blog before contributing an article.
Here’s what to consider before submitting your article :
Guidelines :
- Articles must be original and authentic, with at least 800-1000 words.
- Neither poor articles nor links to irrelevant, illegal, or fraudulent sites are approved.
- You may place 1-2 links back to your own website, provided the links lead to relevant/contextual content. Also, links to other general valuable resources supporting your statistics and facts are welcome. But, be mindful not to link excessively. A maximum of 6 links are permissible.
- For greater engagement and appeal, include images to embellish your point. Images must be obtained from royalty-free sites. Any images protected by copyright are prohibited.
- A 1920 x 1080 image should be provided for the featured image.
- Be honest about partnerships you might have with companies or individuals in connection with the links you add.
- The endorsement of promotional and sponsored articles is contingent upon the agreement of both parties involved. (Includes Casino, gambling, betting, and related topics)
- Using the same guest post on another site is prohibited.
- We will notify you once your article is published.
- You must provide your real name and (biography-optional).
If you adhere to the guidelines and wish to contribute to our blog. Email us with the subject line of “GUEST POST:” so we can filter out any emails containing guest posts.
Contact and submit via : ( [email protected] )