WordPress is undoubtedly the best blogging platform for most of the current bloggers. It provides tons of features, options, and easy access to users that you cannot find in any other competitor. Thereby, WordPress has become the biggest platform to create blogs/ websites. Despite using WordPress for a long time, many users aren’t aware of certain hidden features. There may be a particular feature that you want to know about that you saw in a random video. Maybe it’s ahead of you, but not visible, and you’re wondering where it is?
On other side, while writing an article on WordPress, sometimes you wish you had a so-called feature, so you could able to manage and write the article conveniently. But, who knows, maybe you didn’t realize you actually had that feature all the time.
So, does this makes you curious what are those 5 amazing hidden features of WordPress? I’m sure you all are eager to know what are they, Let’s get cracking!
1. Split posts into multiple pages
This is one of the best and required hidden features for a lot of bloggers. I know sometimes when we read a random article, the article is split into multiple pages with 1,2,3 numbers. At that moment, we all curious to know how the author did that. So do you know how to achieve the feature?
You may think it’s tricky, but apparently, it just requires a piece of code :
Just copy this code and insert it at the place where you want to be broke.
Quite simple right? In this way, you could able to split posts into multiple pages just like you wanted. Although, you also may be wondering about the benefits of splitting the article. It is kind of ambivalent and mixed.
Yet, the two best benefits of this feature are:
- More ads can be displayed
- Generate more page views ( If you have a single page of the article, you’ll get 1 view. Whereas, if you have two pages of the article, you’ll get 2 views )
Then, what is the most negative element:
- People often don’t have the tendency to go through the next page. In this way, your bounce and engagement rate would diminish.
[bctt tweet=”We all definitely must have stumbled on an article splitted into multiple pages. At that moment, we all curious to know how the author accomplished that” username=””]
2. Distraction-Free Writing Mode
To brainstorm and to get good savvy, many writers go to pleasant places for serenity. So, they could generate new ideas and thoughts. However, while writing the article, some bloggers on WordPress don’t prefer a screen with sidebar and panels. It’s a kind of distraction for those bloggers for writing a piece. So, if you’re among of them, you can simply ditch sidebar and panel by just unlocking a hidden feature with a click on the button at the right top of the WordPress editor.
Are you seeing right there? Once you click on that button, WordPress will simply navigate you to a page with no panels or sidebars except the WordPress editor.
Awesome right? In this way, you can do your writing and will be a free-distraction for you by just utilizing one of these hidden WordPress features.
3. Screen Options in WordPress
Screen options are nothing but a functionality you can see at the top second to the right. You may not realize that you had this feature throughout your time with WordPress.But, Once you open this function, you will be introduced to a number of hidden features of WordPress.
Right there, at the top second right, when you bang on that function. You will see numerous checkboxes for the visibility of sidebars and functionalities.
You may know these features, but still, many wordpress users don’t know about this hidden feature that could allow them to alter the visibility of the sidebars and boxes you see alongside with WordPress editor.
You can untick or tick the checkbox whichever you want to do. In the first 5 months of using WordPress, I hadn’t found this feature until the moment I inadvertently found out. This came as handy and helpful for me, so I could get rid of some unnecessary boxes for me. As you can see, you can lock or unlock any sidebar and boxes. This is how my screen options look like.
4. Toolbar Toggle and Keyboard Shortcuts
Toolbar Toggle is certainly one of the best-hidden features on WordPress. With this hidden feature, you can efficiently write the articles and gives more value to your article by saving time of your WordPress term. This will definitely come as a worthwhile and functional feature for you.
Without having to click the options to get a specific impression to the text. You can also perform everything with a keyboard by just unbarring a hidden feature.
I’m pretty sure you always curious about how to change the color of the text. So Right there, you can see the option called ” Toolbar Toggle” which introduces you to numerous practical hidden features for WordPress editor.
You can exploit all these useful features to make your article as good as possible. You can do :
- Strike-Through: Give strike throughs to a text
- Horizontal Line: Horizontal lines to divide the text as I did at the beginning to isolate the code.
- Text Color: Change colors of the text
- Pasting the text
- Clear Formatting: Eliminate any format applied on text
- Special Characters
- Indent: Adjust the indent, either can increase or decrease
- Undo and Redo
- Finally, Keyboard shortcuts
Keyboard Shortcuts is one of the most necessary and useful functionalities required for bloggers. It is a time-saving and helpful hidden feature for wordpress users while writing articles. If you just found out this feature, surely this will be handy.
As you see, there are tons of keyboard shortcuts for almost every function. You can easily do your work efficiently from now.
5.Quick Edit and Sticky Posts
The final hidden feature of wordpress is quick editing and sticky posts. These features are very helpful in the times when you’re busy and as well as to target the specific article to the users when they land on your blog.
You might always been curious about how to target a specific article in your blog. When you have some articles that are comprehensive, important, and insightful. You may want to target to the audience when they land on your site so, they will redirect to your most popular and informative article.
Sticky posts feature is useful and comes as handy for most of the bloggers. To activate, there are two ways to achieve this feature.
The first method :
Just click edit and tick sticky posts.
The second method ( QUICK EDIT ) :
While we’re talking about the second method of stick posts, you are gonna need to know about this quick edit feature.
In the all posts page, you will see options under every post you wrote. Click on quick edit
With a quick edit feature, you can do all the fundamental things of your every post. You may think you need to go through every post and edit in wordpress editor page. But, you can see it’s wholly unnecessary. Just click on the quick edit and there you go, you can alter titles, slug, authors, categories, and tags including the sticky post which we’re talking about. You can make sticky posts and also perform the basic aspects of your articles.
So, these are the hidden features on WordPress, I’m pretty sure you all bowled over after seeing these 5 amazing hidden features of WordPress that are actually handy for you.
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