A fresh morning brew helps keep your day running smoothly. If you love coffee, it’s a wise decision to have your coffee corner at home, instead of ordering it online or stopping by a café daily. You can think of a coffee counter or a coffee cabinet and arrange it the way you want to in your kitchen space or elsewhere that you find conducive.
If you have a space in your house where you can create a coffee bar, you can go ahead with the décor and design for it. You can even opt for DIY hacks that will create the perfect look for this space.
You might have a small kitchen space, but you can still create a coffee corner if you work smart. In this article, we will discuss some ideas that you can use to create your own coffee bar. It will feature décor elements and equipment choices that you will need to accomplish the target.
Use Paint to Mark Your Coffee Bar
Have you decided on the space you will use for your coffee bar? If so, allow it to look distinctive by using the right shade, which injects a bright and happy vibe. One of the best colors to choose from is coral, which creates a perfect backdrop.
You don’t have to work very hard on this. If you are already renovating your house, you can very well use the leftover paint sample pots to create this look. Alternatively, you can choose complementary shades to create this corner. For instance, if your kitchen space has light or pale blue paint on the walls, you can create a separate section and paint the wall aquamarine and use it as your coffee bar area.
Get the Necessary Equipment
A coffee bar is incomplete without the correct devices. You can select small or big appliances such as espresso machines, coffee makers, or even coffee grinders before adding non-electric supplies and tools. It will help you ensure that all the cords are placed safely and that the appliances have ample clearance before you start to hang hooks for coffee mugs and shelves for a few extras.
When you are making a checklist for equipment, you can think about investing in a Precision Flow e61 group shower screen. This device enables water to pass inside a filter basket of the portafilter at optimal pressure when you decide to make coffee. Ideally, you must change this equipment twice a year. Otherwise, the coffee oil residue will get caked on the shower screen and stop the coffee flow.
Caffewerks states that leading service providers specialize in shower screens that are compatible with most coffee machines. It comes with a laser-etched membrane that successfully creates the correct dispersion pattern over the coffee. It also helps to reduce coffee build-up at the back of the screen and provides excellent performance.
Use Neon to Create a Decor Statement
Does your kitchen or home lack enough space where you can experiment with a coffee maker? If so, you can search for various other ways to create your favorite latte-making spot. You can use a neon sign that says, “Coffee Time” or “Coffee Zone.” Today, there are service providers who can customize this for you based on your requirements and budget.
A neon sign is a new-age, quirky, and fun way to create your coffee bar space. It would add to the existing space that you have instead of taking up extra room. Try to place it right above the French press spot to create a happy vibe. Check out the options that are available online and choose the one that complements your kitchen décor.
Get a Prep Sink Installed
A prep sink will prove useful to you when you are making your coffee bar. It will prevent you from going back and forth to your kitchen sink. When you get a prep sink installed, it saves you time and also makes the coffee space more compact.
There will be times when you have to rinse the coffee mugs and fill the coffee machine. When you install this sink, the task is way easier than you can imagine. Decide on the sink size based on the space that is available to you so that it adds to the overall look of your coffee bar.
In conclusion, when you have a dedicated coffee corner in your house, you get to start the day with your favorite coffee blend. Other than making you feel good, it goes a long way to keep your energy high and helps you attain all your crucial tasks with ease.
There is no need to shell out a huge chunk of cash to create this space. When you use the ideas discussed above, you can create a coffee bar that caters to your taste and requirements without any hassle.